Tuesday, 26 December 2006

So This is Christmas

Apparently this week it is something called Christmas. It has happened three times since I was born on 21 April 2003. I can only remember this happening twice before. Prior to this I was very small and my only recollection of the event was being trapped by the claws of my left front paw whilst examining the ceiling from the top of the draylon curtains in the lounge.

As far as I can tell, this Christmas thing is something that makes humans go a bit funny. At least if my owner is anything to go by. The house has been filled with terrible smelling liquid in bottles which makes my eyes run and makes owner do some very strange things.

I have decided to stay well clear of the stuff, but whilst I was prowling around in the dark of the kitchen last night I found some empty glasses with what was left of a very nice yellow liquid in them. Tasted very good. It must be something for me, because it’s called advocaat, (wish people would learn to spell cat properly).

My father Mr Whoppit used to have a good time at this time of year. I know that he used to sample that strange liquid that the humans drink at Christmas, but I don’t think it was good for him at all.

I think I will stick to milk.

1 comment:

J.J said...

Greetings from my feline friends George and Sophie who tell me it is high time a cat got in on this blogging lark. Their main contribution to this communication form has been to sit down on the key board and prevent me making even more of an idiot of myself by blogging. I'm sure the global village is grateful to them.